This project brought many of the ideas from my Basic Apartment project into the real world.

However, the space was considerably smaller and had existing limitations, such as the placement of a large window, fixed wardrobe, and doors.

Applying a more monochromatic colour scheme added to the minimalistic feel of the room, presenting a clear and clean aesthetic.

Although in the original Basic Apartment design, the item wall was filled with outdoors equipment, this proved to be impractical in the narrower room, and although not included in the renders here, the wall proved to be perfect for every day carry and technology items.

This project taught me more about working with the space available in the real world, with all of the measurements exact, and about how to use cameras more effectively to capture the correct angles in the smaller space.

One goal for my next project is to better utilise Arnold Renderer and learn how to achieve high quality renders without increasing render times significantly or requiring a more powerful machine.